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PUBLISH 03-Sep-2018

Aside from actual cryptocurrencies, Google is very pro blockchain. This is obviously a given, as a tech firm, Google need to be ‘pro-technology’ right? After an announcement that suggests the Google Cloud is to be integrated within two different blockchain projects.

One of these projects goes by the name of Digital Asset, a US based company that deals with DLT solutions. A part of this Google Cloud use alongside Digital Asset’s private beta programme. Designed to simplify the development of smart contracts. This serves as just one example of how Google are exploring this area. Through establishing partnerships, Google is gaining access to instant expertise,this can only have a positive impact in the future.

Why is this big news?

Foremost, this is going to help bring blockchain technology to the mainstream. Adoption is a big deal, one that is only going to be enhanced by the name and Google brand. Simply put, people trust Google, therefore if Google is releasing blockchain applications, people are going to trust them too.

“This will address the gaps that have prevented would-be blockchain solutions from coming to fruition. Also considerably speed up the adoption of blockchain technology in doing so. By providing a standardized “backbone” for smart contracts. (which not every application developer knows how to program from scratch). A “sandbox” in which DLT applications can be taken from their alpha version to their launch.


It’s going to accelerate the process that needs to take place before we can see a fully working blockchain model. With few glitches, working within a seamless environment.

All of this too, has implications for ‘the internet’ as a product too:

“Key developments would ensue in the coming years to validate the Internet as a technology suited for mainstream users. For example. Major corporations started to build websites, and Microsoft included the Internet Explorer web browser in releases of Windows 95 as an easy way to use the Internet. Similarly, Google’s movement towards blockchain has the dual effect of providing both their endorsement of the technology in and of itself. Its making blockchain technology easier to use through its partnership with Digital Assets. In conclusion, Google’s involvement with blockchain will ultimately be a step forward for distributed ledger technologies. 

Google had to decide, are they in, or are they out? Big things now exist on the horizon. Not just for Google within the blockchain industry, but for blockchain within the rest of the world too.

Let me know in the comments if you think Google is going to be a supporter and developer of Blockchain technology.

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